Struggling to find customers? Nine tips for improving your digital marketing


Especially when you first start a business, finding customers can be one of the most difficult parts of getting your business off the ground. However, even more experienced companies can struggle to find customers if their approach isn’t right. In this digital age, focusing on your digital marketing efforts can be an effective way to reach the right people.

To provide more insight, nine members of Council for Young Entrepreneurs offer their best tips for improving your digital marketing efforts to not only find more customers, but the right customers and achieve greater success as a business.


1. Focus on a highly targeted niche audience

Brands need to focus their digital marketing efforts on a highly targeted niche audience. This works really well because you don’t care if a campaign doesn’t resonate with the masses since you’re only trying to get results with a specific group of people. It also drastically reduces the amount of competition in your space. Instead of trying to sell shoes to everyone who wears sneakers, it might be easier to sell running shoes directly to trail runners who need more arch support. You only compete with a handful of other companies, giving your targeted marketing efforts a chance to shine among the crowd. – Ian Blair, ConstructionFire

2. Produce informative content

I will still say that every business should write, write, write. You need to produce informative articles on your website about your products and services. You have to make videos on YouTube. You must disseminate information to educate potential customers. If you become the information leader, people will choose you. – Peter Boyd, PaperStreet web design

3. Refine creatives using AI systems

We’ve come a long way in advertising — finding and reaching out to hand drafters — but even then, it’s still a long way off to use ads designed for those individuals. Beyond a human effort, AI systems like Midjourney and ChatGPT can help refine ads for specific personality types. Research has shown that websites and ads that adapt to the user’s senses outperform static sites – and the same goes for ads. For example, if you’re trying to sell a truck to someone you know also loves football, creatives framing the truck in the context of football will be more effective than a generic one-size-fits-all creative approach. – Kevin Marcus, Versium Analytics, Inc.

4. Use social media to get involved effectively

Creating and sharing engaging content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can attract potential customers and build a loyal following at a low cost. This makes organic social media marketing a great option for struggling businesses. To do this, they need to research the platform and audience, then create personalized content that resonates with their target audience. In addition, companies can connect directly with prospects through comments and direct messages on social media. These measures will help them build trust and establish themselves as an authority in their industry by leveraging the vast reach of social media. This way, struggling businesses can increase their chances of getting leads and converting them into customers by leveraging social media organically. – Kelly Richardson, Infobrandz

5. Reconnect via remarketing

An effective digital marketing strategy to improve customer acquisition is remarketing. By using targeted ads that are only shown to previous website or app visitors, companies can reconnect with customers who have already shown interest in their products or services. By re-engaging with these individuals, companies can keep their brand top-of-mind, increase brand loyalty, and ultimately generate more sales. This approach works well because it targets customers who are already familiar with the brand or website, reducing the cost of acquiring new customers and increasing the likelihood of conversions. In addition, it enables companies to deliver personalized messages to specific customer segments, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. – Miles Jennings, Recruiter. com

6. Produce more video content

If you want to improve your digital marketing efforts, start producing more video content. Some companies struggle to reach their audience because they only publish written content on their blog. Meanwhile, most users say they prefer videos over traditional blog posts. This strategy helps you forge stronger connections with existing subscribers and customers and makes it easier to reach new prospects on social media. One way to get started is to create video versions of existing blog posts and include them at the top of each article. Now users can decide whether to watch a video or read an article, which will lead to an increase in new engagement. – Daman Jeet Singh, FunnelKit

7. Consider what appeals to your customers

If a company is having trouble finding customers, it’s because they don’t know their customers well enough or aren’t taking the right actions to reach them. Frankly, most companies fall into the first category, which means they fall short in the second category as well. Think about it. If you really understood your customers – what drives them, why they choose your product or service, where they hang out and what they’re interested in – wouldn’t it be a lot easier to reach out to them and get your message across? to take? for them at the right time and in the right place? Unfortunately, many companies make the mistake of focusing on tactics before strategy. But as military strategist Sun Tzu said, “Tactics without strategy are the noise of defeat.” – Kevin Getch, webfor

8. Build quality backlinks

One way to improve your digital marketing efforts and attract new customers is to build quality backlinks. Backlinks from authority sites help increase your online visibility and improve your search engine rankings. Because high-quality backlinks allow you to climb search engine results pages, you gain traction organically and your customers grow at a steady pace. In addition, it increases your chances of being discovered by new customers as they can find you through various third-party platforms. – Stephanie Wells, Formidable shapes

9. Make use of user-generated content

A good place to start is to leverage user-generated content. This is content created by your customers, such as reviews, photos, and videos, that showcase your products or services in a real-world context. When you struggle to find customers, adding such content builds trust in your organization. It also teaches customers how to use your product. Contact customers to request reviews or view social media content featuring your product or service. Share this material on your social media and blog and you will give your business a healthy boost. – Syed Balky, WPB Beginner