Healthcare software development is helping healthcare companies improve their performance, increase their efficiency, and reduce costs overall. According to stats, the market value of healthcare software is expected to hit $29.9 billion, with a CAGR of 7.4% from 2018 to 2023.

However, there are still many healthcare companies out there that are not making the full use of the benefits that healthcare software’s can provide. In this article, we will be discussing what healthcare software development is, and how different healthcare software’s are being integrated into the healthcare sector. Read down below to find out all about it,


What Is Healthcare Software Development?

Healthcare software development refers to the development of computer software that is designed to streamline healthcare operations such as database storage, disease diagnosis, finance management, patient data storage and much more. 

Healthcare software benefits both; patients and healthcare providers. Some of the popular types of healthcare software’s include EHR records, medical database software, medical imaging software, telemedicine software, and medical billing software.

What are the Different Types of Popular Healthcare Software’s?

  1. Medical Practice Management Software. This type of software is designed to streamline workflows in hospitals and clinics and optimize operations on a daily basis. Other than this it also allows healthcare providers to keep a track of appointments, bills, medical records, and more.
  2. Electronic Health Record Software. Electronic health record software allows medical and health companies to securely store data and information regarding patient data. Electronic health records can store different types of information regarding the health of a patient, such as their past medical records, allergy reports, surgery reports, medical diagnosis, and more.
  3. E-Prescribing Software.  This type of software allows you to automatically generate and send drug prescriptions to pharmacies with the help of EHR technology. Other than this, E-prescribing software also allows you to search about drug information. 

Benefits of Healthcare Software Development for the Healthcare Industry

Read down below to find out more.

  • Personal Monitoring of Health

Healthcare software development allows patients to monitor their health from home. This can be very beneficial for patients that are weak, especially during the pandemic. This not only saves the transportation costs for patients, but also lets them keep a check of their health conditions without the assistance of a doctor.

Custom built mobile applications can help patients check their vitals such as blood pressure level, cholesterol level. Temperature, heartbeat, and more. Other than this custom built healthcare softwares can also help patients keep a track of other health routines such as how many calories they’ve burnt, their sleeping cycle, the number of steps they’ve walked etc.

  • Easy Payment of Bills

Thanks to healthcaroftware development, it has now become much easier for patients to pay for their medical bills. Unlike the traditional method of payment, where people had to stand in long queues to pay and get their appointments, it is now possible to make your medical payment through your mobile phone or laptop.

The best thing is that medical billing softwares features a secure payment method, providing patients a hassle-free and easy payment experience.

  • Reduced Paperwork

Another great advantage of medical healthcare software is that it helps eliminate the need for extensive paperwork. Automation not only helps reduce the work for healthcare providers by automatic data storage and file management, but also makes it easier for patients to fill forms.

  • Medical Record Security

A patient’s health records and medical data holds private and sensitive information that is usually only accessible by the patient and his doctors. Theft or loss of patient data can result in a huge problem for the healthcare organization. Therefore, it is important that patient data is protected and kept securely.

Electronically saved data can be protected through passwords, user authentication, data encryption, and more. Moreover, the data can also be uploaded to the cloud to ensure that it is only shared between medical practitioners and the patient.

  1. Easy Access to Medical Records and History

Gathering medical data manually can be quite a hassle and time-consuming. Thanks to electronic medical records, it is now possible to store the health records of patients online, that not only allows healthcare providers and researchers to gain access to this information easily, but also ensures that this data is stored securely.

“Electronic medical records are, in a lot of ways, I think the aspect of technology that is going to revolutionize the way we deliver care. And it’s not just that we will be able to collect information, it’s that everyone involved in the healthcare enterprise will be able to use that information more effectively” says Risa Lavizzo-Mourey


Healthcare software development has not only helped reduce workload off healthcare workers, but has also helped make medical care more accessible for patients. 

Looking for a reliable custom healthcare software development company? Get in touch with InvoZone today.