9 Ways These Entrepreneurs Work on Their Weaknesses (And How You Can Too)


Everyone has a mix of strengths and weaknesses; fortunately, with work, it is possible to improve both strengths and weaknesses. To be an entrepreneur and an effective leader, it’s important to recognize areas where you may need help or improvement and to actively work on those areas so that you and your business can continue to grow.

But determining how to improve yourself isn’t always easy, so to help, nine members of Council for Young Entrepreneurs discuss some of the ways they actively work on their weaknesses to grow as leaders and business owners.


1. By looking for opportunities to practice

I had difficulty speaking in public and presenting in front of large audiences. I knew that if I wanted to grow as a leader, I had to work on this weakness and improve my public speaking skills. To work on this, I asked my team for feedback and worked with a coach. I did my best to improve my public speaking skills by practicing daily in front of the mirror. I actively looked for opportunities to speak in front of a small audience. This helped me become more comfortable with public speaking. A good leader should always demonstrate self-awareness and a growth mindset. Just by acknowledging your weakness, you can become a better leader for your company. – Benjamin Royas, All in one SEO

2. By embracing new experiences

Stepping outside our comfort zone is essential for growth and development, not just as a leader but as individuals. I believe that embracing new experiences and continuously pushing ourselves to try new things can help us build on our strengths while improving our weaknesses. A practical example of this in my life is my recent decision to incorporate exercise into my daily routine, despite my initial hesitation and lack of previous experience in sports. Recognizing the vital role physical activity plays in maintaining both physical and mental well-being, I am curious to see how this small step toward embracing new challenges can positively impact my overall growth and leadership ability. – Miles Jennings, Recruiter. com

3. By acknowledging my limitations

My biggest weakness is that I overexert myself and rarely say “no” when someone asks me to do something. To counter this, I’ve been working on ways to better delegate my duties and day-to-day responsibilities. Because I’m a leader, it’s important to acknowledge my limitations and trust others to shoulder some of the workload. Delegating tasks frees up my time and energy to focus on what really matters and effectively lead my team. Not everything I do needs my immediate attention and I have to trust that other people can help me. I constantly remind myself to be patient and celebrate my progress along the way. – Andrew Saladino, Kitchen cabinet kings

4. By surrounding myself with those I admire

I surround myself with peers that I admire. No matter what field you’re in, it can be so easy to become jealous of your peers’ achievements. “They got a promotion after being employed for less time than me? Where’s my promotion?” or “They have a new office? Should I get a new office?” There comes a time when you have to say goodbye to the id and recognize that your colleagues have a lot to teach you. If they kill the game, learn from them. One of my favorite ways I’ve worked this into my life is by starting a content creation channel with my sister. I trust her completely to tell me when my content is not good or when something needs improvement. Having that honest feedback from someone I admire has been a huge factor in my growth. – Isabel Shee, TO GROW

5. By taking my education into my own hands

I started exploring search engine optimization in 2013 as part of growing our business. At the time, I had no idea how SEO worked, despite being a software engineer with some knowledge of search algorithms. However, I was determined to learn and improve in this area. I started reading books, watching countless Google videos during office hours and experimenting with different methods. Through a continuous learning process, my team and I have mastered SEO, and we continue to learn today to keep up with the constant changes of search engines. This experience highlights the importance of continuous learning in addressing weaknesses and growing as a leader, especially in areas where formal education is not readily available. – Kazi Mamun, CANSOFT

6. By using check-ins at your own responsibility

I use self-accountability check-ins to actively work on myself. I ask myself – and my team – the following questions: “What am I tolerating?” As in, what am I tolerating from myself, my clients, my team, my career? The next question is “What am I avoiding?” Is there something I’m afraid of, that keeps me awake at night, or that scares me? I find that when you tolerate things it creates resentment and bad boundaries. If you’re avoiding something, it usually means you need extra support in that area. These self-accountability check-ins are immensely valuable. – Rachel Bother, PRESS Modern Massage

7. By asking for feedback

We all have a mix of strengths and weaknesses; what matters is our commitment to continuous growth. One way I actively work on my weaknesses is by asking people around me which leadership elements I could improve on. As humans, we rarely accurately assess our strengths and weaknesses, and I found it incredibly helpful and humbling to hear what I could do better from the people I trust. The most important thing, of course, is to apply what you have learned in a meaningful way. It’s one thing to know what needs to be improved, but it’s another to turn it into actionable steps. For example, if you have difficulty delegating responsibility, it may be helpful to use EOS Worldwide’s Delegate and Elevate tool. I constantly read books and use these kinds of resources to grow as a leader. – Ryan Meghdies, Tastic Marketing Inc.

8. By learning from others

An effective way I work on my weaknesses is to learn from others who have achieved success in leadership and try to adopt a similar approach. This never-ending process brings out my weaknesses and gives me a guide to overcome them. I discovered that the key to improvement is to keep building a better version of yourself by learning from successful people without complacency. You can’t be perfect, but you can always improve and get better results in life. – Kelly Richardson, Infobrandz

9. By having advisors to lean on

As a leader it is so important to have advisors and mentors to lean on. I’ve found this to be the only way to get regular feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. In addition to building your advisory board, it’s important to schedule regular check-ins so that both your advisors and you can develop a cadenza of accountability. Without experienced people in your corner giving you constant feedback, there is no way to learn and grow as a leader. – Arian Radmand, IgnitePost