Training a new employee? Nine important lessons to do it right


When it comes to training employees, there is no one way to get it right, but there are a few ways you might be getting it wrong. Using outdated materials or not checking in enough may not be intentional blunders, but they can prevent your employee from succeeding in their role as quickly as you would like.

However, after years of training new employees, business leaders will no doubt have learned a lesson or two along the way. The members of Council for Young Entrepreneurs are here to share some of the lessons they’ve learned over their careers on how to train effectively and the advice they’d give to other business leaders training new employees for the first time.


1. Make use of updated SOPs

Use and update your Standard Operating Procedure Documents (SOPs). The easiest way to stay consistent with your onboarding and training processes is with thorough documentation for your new hires (and their managers) to follow. This minimizes the risk of deviating from what is required for that specific role and allows the new hire to learn at their own pace. In addition, it provides confirmation and reinforcement in case someone forgets. – Firas Kittaneh, Amerisleep mattress

2. Put yourself in their shoes

Think back to your training experiences as a younger worker in your industry, or even when you worked in really thankless high school or college jobs. You’ve almost certainly had bad training experiences (or just bad managers in general). Go back, if you can, and learn from your ex-bosses’ mistakes. On a side note, don’t try to hit a home run the first time. Teaching is a skill that anyone can learn, but it takes time and failure to do well. – Andrew Schrage, Money Crashers personal finance

3. Be patient and understanding

When it comes to training new employees, patience and understanding is one of the most important lessons I’ve learned. Each person learns differently and at their own pace, so tailoring your training approach to their individual needs is critical. I would recommend breaking the training into manageable chunks and providing hands-on experience where possible. This helps the employee to understand the material better and to feel more comfortable in his new role. – Rachel Bother, PRESS Modern Massage

4. Link the new employee to an experienced employee

In the hustle and bustle of running a business, it’s easy for managers and owners to assume that new hires will master processes and operations faster than they actually do. You explain it once, maybe twice, and then you go back to work, but a lot of information has fallen through the cracks. This can lead to frustration for you and other team members when the new hire makes mistakes that you thought were covered. It also leads to frustration for the new employee who genuinely tries his best but was not given enough information and tools in the beginning. The best way around this is to pair them with a more experienced team member they can look to and ask questions. Give them the tools, resources and time they need to be productive and become a valuable member of the team. – Blair Thomas, eMerchant Broker

5. Make a clear, concise overview of tasks

Carefully outlining what tasks they will be delegating before they start not only helps the new hire, but it also helps other team members understand what role they will be taking on in a clearer capacity. Level determination coupled with transparency is also very important in building a clear communication channel with the employee. – Jordan Edelson, Appetizer Mobile LLC

6. Give them the context behind their work

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned when it comes to training new hires is making sure they don’t just understand What but do Why It is important. To do this, you need to give them context and explain what the company’s values ​​are and how their role fits into the company’s overall mission. In addition, you need to be supportive and patient and make sure they understand how each task in their job contributes to the success of the entire company. Remember that investing in the success of your employees pays off with a team that is motivated and committed to ensuring the success of your business. – Kelly Richardson, Infobrandz

7. Also use relationship building training

After years of training new hires, I’ve learned a lesson on how to do it right: You should use this time not only to train them, but also to build trust and mutual understanding. Create an environment for them where they can come to you with their thoughts, questions, and doubts without fear of being judged or criticized. Provide them with the tools to learn and grow and set realistic goals. This will help them grow into a solid team member in the long run. – Josh Kohlbach, Wholesale Suite

8. Communicate (Even If You Think It’s Too Much)

A lesson I’ve learned over the years is that you can never communicate too much when onboarding a new team member. So when training an employee for the first time, my advice would be to prioritize clear communication, be patient, and provide regular feedback. Start by setting clear expectations and goals for the new hire, and provide them with the necessary resources and training to achieve those goals. Throughout the training process, you should be supportive and provide constructive feedback to help them learn and improve. Also encourage them to ask questions. The more questions they ask, the faster they pick up on all internal processes. – Solomon Thimothee, OneIMS

9. Don’t forget to be human

You can talk so much about expectations and road maps, but really you just have to be nice. Be human and don’t give automatic answers. Sure, you should have a checklist of things to go over, but don’t be robotic about the training. Have fun with the training. Get to know the person you will spend 30 to 40 hours a week with. See if you think they’re a good fit for your business in the long run. What do they like to do? Can they adapt? Do they have career goals? In general, a roadmap and expectations are helpful, but be nice and have fun with the workout. – Peter Boyd, PaperStreet web design