Developing a fascination for the unknown


Tobias Hann is the CEO of MOSTLY AI. He is a serial entrepreneur and former management consultant. He has an MBA and Ph.D. in business.

Phrases like “be your best self” and “live your best life” have quickly become commonplace as professionals strive to conquer the invincible, achieve their highest aspirations, reinvent themselves and find the perfect balance between their personal and professional lives . Simply put, they want it all while avoiding burnout and facing other challenges such as rapidly advancing technology that sometimes make them question the nature of their job. AI and the future of work are now simply inseparable terms.

Tools and technology like generative AI are in high gear among a growing list of others to disrupt life and work as we know it. What if the emergence of such tools will serve us to live up to the high expectations we set for ourselves? This new era ushering in at a record pace could very well represent the birth of our best selves and a means to live our best lives – should we choose the path of least resistance.


AI frees us for the things that matter – frees us for mastery.

Bernard Marr wrote for that AI is “far from simply being the latest ‘viral sensation'” and has “truly become a technology that any company or individual can use to revolutionize the way they work or some perform daily activities”. daily activities.” If you don’t do this yet, you run the risk of falling behind.

A good example of this is using ChatGPT. The generative AI tool has more than 100 million active users and responds to virtually any prompt you give it with surprising speed and clarity. In response to a prompt, the tool will output verbose text in any form, including prose, poetry, and even computer code.

According to Business Insider, numerous Amazon employees Have used ChatGPT for several features, and one team said it does a “very good job” at answering AWS support questions.” The team noted that it was also “great” at creating training documents and “very strong” at questions about business strategy.”

While AI will continue to make some jobs obsolete, it will also create new jobs to support the development and maintenance of AI systems. Many jobs will shift in the way we apply our specializations. We will need to focus on skills that are in high demand and difficult for AI to replicate, such as critical thinking, complex problem solving, creativity and emotional intelligence. For example, while jobs in advertising, content creation, technical writing and journalism are expected to change dramatically, there is still change a lot of human judgment that belongs to these professions.

Women in Data founder Sadie St. Lawrence equals the adoption and mastery of relevant AI tools in the future of work as a shift from the position of a musician mastering one instrument to a conductor whose role is to lead and direct a musical ensemble.

“As a conductor, it is not that you lack knowledge in every subject, but that you stop doing and start leading,” she wrote.

Does AI have the potential to save the day?

To explore how AI and machine learning tools and technology are impacting the future of work, we first need to ask ourselves what it is that we want so badly to stick with the way we work today.

The average person spends two and a half hours a day reading and replying to emails. Inc. cited research which shows that office workers are productive for an average of only two hours and 53 minutes during an eight-hour workday. Our days are filled with distractions, and so is our ability to focus on the fall.

In addition, burnout rates continue to rise. In February 2023 questionnaire of more than 10,000 employees worldwide by US think tank Future Forum, 42% reported burnout, the highest number since the survey began in May 2021. The same survey found that those who experience burnout at work ” are almost 3.4 times more likely to say they ‘absolutely’ intend to look for a new job next year.”

Much of what we need to do is unstimulative yet necessary. By the time we get to the important things, such as strategy and planning, creative tasks, or solving complex problems, we are often overwhelmed and exhausted. All this paints a far from ideal picture of what it’s like to operate in today’s working world.

There will always be resistance when AI and machine learning tools go mainstream. As humans, we are creatures of habit which tend to cling to our belief systems, and the rapid advancement of AI tools tends to arouse our fear of the unknown.

Maybe it’s not so much about us trying to keep up with AI, but more about AI helping us keep up with life in general. It’s time to change our reactive fear by the unknown to a proactive fascination for the unknown and to embed ourselves in the design process of what our future jobs might look and feel like.

The time is now, and the chance to shape the trajectory of this trend is yours. Take this. Business Council is the premier growth and networking organization for entrepreneurs and leaders. Am I eligible?