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Cricket Chronicles: An In-Depth Exploration of Crickinda.com


The world of sports is ever-evolving, and with it, the way we consume sports content. Cricket, being a globally beloved sport, has seen a significant rise in online content, particularly through blogging. These blogs not only provide updates and analysis but also unite the cricket community worldwide.


Crickinda.com: An Overview

Crickinda.com has emerged as a leader in this digital transformation. Established, it has quickly become a go-to source for cricket enthusiasts. The website is renowned for its comprehensive coverage, engaging content, and user-friendly interface.

Content Quality and Diversity

Crickinda.com excels in providing a wide array of content. From match previews and reviews to in-depth analysis of strategies and players, the blog caters to all aspects of the game. The diversity in topics keeps readers engaged and informed.

User Interface and Experience

The website is designed with the user in mind. Its intuitive navigation allows easy access to various sections, and the responsive design ensures a seamless experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

Community Engagement

Crickinda.com fosters a vibrant community of cricket fans. The platform encourages discussions through comment sections and forums, and its active social media presence further enhances user engagement.

Coverage of International and Domestic Cricket

The blog doesn’t limit itself to international cricket; it also delves into domestic leagues and tournaments, offering a holistic view of the cricket world.

Expert Insights and Opinions

The website features articles from seasoned cricket analysts and experts, providing readers with professional insights into the game. Interviews and guest columns add to the richness of the content.

Live Updates and Match Summaries

For those who can’t catch the live action, Crickinda.com offers real-time updates and comprehensive match summaries, making sure fans don’t miss out on any action.

Statistical Analysis and Data Visualization

The use of statistics and innovative data visualizations on Crickinda.com helps in breaking down complex match scenarios, making it easier for readers to understand the nuances of the game.

Special Features: Interviews and Player Profiles

Exclusive interviews with players and personalities from the cricket world are a highlight of Crickinda.com. In-depth player profiles provide fans with a closer look at their favorite stars.

Historical Perspectives

The blog also pays homage to cricket’s rich history, with articles covering legendary matches and players, offering a nostalgic journey for many fans.

Future of Cricket Blogging

Crickinda.com is at the forefront of shaping the future of cricket blogging. With its innovative approach and dedication to quality content, it’s setting new standards in the field.

How Crickinda.com Stands Out

Compared to other cricket blogs, Crickinda.com stands out for its comprehensive coverage, expert analysis, and community engagement.

User Testimonials and Reviews

The website boasts positive feedback from its users, with many praising its in-depth analysis and user-friendly experience. Expert endorsements further validate its credibility.


Crickinda.com represents the pinnacle of cricket blogging. With its diverse content, expert insights, and strong community engagement, it’s the ultimate destination for cricket fans worldwide.


What makes Crickinda.com unique among cricket blogs?

Crickinda.com stands out for its comprehensive coverage, expert analysis, and strong community engagement.

Can users contribute to Crickinda.com?

Yes, the platform encourages user contributions through comments, forums, and occasional guest posts.

Does Crickinda.com cover domestic cricket leagues?

Yes, it provides extensive coverage of both international and domestic cricket leagues.

Are there any subscription fees for Crickinda.com?

Currently, Crickinda.com offers its content for free, but premium features might be available in the future.

How often is content updated on Crickinda.com?

The website is updated regularly with news, match summaries, and expert analyses.

Fleet Management Software Development: Streamlining Efficiency and Performance


In the modern business landscape, efficient fleet management holds the key to ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness for companies that rely on transportation for their operations. Fleet management software has emerged as a vital tool to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and improve overall business processes. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of fleet management software development, exploring its significance, features, benefits, and the technology driving its evolution.



Efficient fleet management has become a critical factor in modern supply chain and logistics operations. As businesses strive for improved efficiency and cost savings, the development of fleet management software has gained significant momentum. This software empowers companies to manage their vehicle fleets with precision and insight, resulting in optimized operations.

The Essence of Fleet Management

Fleet management encompasses various aspects such as vehicle acquisition, maintenance, driver management, route optimization, and regulatory compliance. The primary goal is to ensure that the fleet operates smoothly while minimizing operational costs and maximizing resource utilization.

The Role of Software in Fleet Management

Fleet management software plays a pivotal role in automating and centralizing the myriad tasks involved in managing a fleet. From tracking vehicles in real-time to analyzing data patterns for strategic decision-making, this software offers a holistic solution to streamline operations.

Key Features of Fleet Management Software

GPS Tracking and Route Optimization

One of the core features of fleet management software is GPS tracking, allowing companies to monitor vehicle locations in real-time. This enables efficient route planning, leading to reduced fuel consumption and improved delivery timelines.

Vehicle Maintenance and Diagnostics

Effective software includes tools for monitoring vehicle health, scheduling maintenance, and diagnosing potential issues. Timely maintenance not only extends the lifespan of vehicles but also prevents costly breakdowns.

Real-time Monitoring and Alerts

Fleet managers can receive real-time updates on vehicle performance and driver behavior. Alerts for deviations from optimal routes, excessive idling, or harsh braking assist in proactive management.

Data Analytics and Reporting

Comprehensive data analytics provide valuable insights into various aspects of fleet operations. Reports on fuel consumption, driver performance, and maintenance history aid in making informed decisions.

The Development Process of Fleet Management Software

The development of fleet management software involves several stages:

Requirement Analysis

Gathering the specific needs and goals of the client or business is the first step. This phase lays the foundation for the software’s functionalities.

Design and Prototyping

Creating a user-friendly interface and designing the software’s architecture ensure a seamless user experience. Prototypes allow stakeholders to visualize the end product.

Development and Testing

During this phase, the software is developed and rigorously tested to identify and rectify any bugs or glitches.

Deployment and Integration

Once the software is ready, it is deployed and integrated with existing systems, ensuring compatibility and a smooth transition.

Technological Advancements Shaping Fleet Management Software

Internet of Things (IoT) Integration

IoT devices provide real-time data on vehicle performance, fuel consumption, and driver behavior. This integration enhances data accuracy and facilitates predictive maintenance.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration

AI-powered algorithms analyze data patterns to predict maintenance needs, optimize routes, and enhance driver safety through behavior analysis.

Blockchain for Data Security

Blockchain technology ensures secure data sharing, preventing unauthorized access and maintaining the integrity of sensitive information.

Benefits of Implementing Fleet Management Software

Enhanced Route Efficiency and Fuel Savings

Optimized routes reduce travel time and fuel consumption, leading to substantial cost savings.

Reduced Downtime and Maintenance Costs

Proactive maintenance scheduling minimizes unplanned downtime and lowers maintenance expenses.

Improved Driver Performance and Safety

Real-time monitoring encourages responsible driving behavior, reducing accidents and enhancing overall safety.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data analytics enable informed decisions that lead to improved operational strategies and resource allocation.

Addressing Challenges in Fleet Management Software Development

Integration Complexity

Integrating fleet management software with existing systems can be complex and requires careful planning.

User Training and Adoption

Proper training and change management are crucial for ensuring successful software adoption and maximizing its benefits.

Data Privacy and Security Concerns

The collection and storage of sensitive fleet and driver data raise concerns about data privacy and security.

The Future of Fleet Management Software

Autonomous Vehicles and Beyond

The integration of autonomous vehicles into fleet operations has the potential to revolutionize efficiency and reduce labor costs.


Fleet management software has transformed the way businesses handle their vehicle fleets. By leveraging technology to optimize routes, monitor vehicle health, and enhance data-driven decision-making, companies can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and cost-effectiveness in their operations.


Q: What is fleet management software?

A: Fleet management software is a technology solution that helps businesses manage their vehicle fleets efficiently, from tracking vehicles in real-time to optimizing routes and scheduling maintenance.

Q: How does fleet management software benefit companies?

A: Fleet management software enhances operational efficiency, reduces costs, improves driver safety, and enables data-driven decision-making.

Q: What are the challenges in developing fleet management software?

A: Challenges include integration complexity, user adoption, and addressing data privacy and security concerns.

Q: How does AI contribute to fleet management software?

A: AI algorithms analyze data to predict maintenance needs, optimize routes, and enhance driver safety through behavior analysis.

Q: What does the future hold for fleet management software?

A: The future includes integration with autonomous vehicles, promising even higher levels of efficiency and cost savings.

Interview with Lado Okhotnikov: The Secrets of Stock Exchanges, Who Controls the Market, the Secrets of a Marketmaker. Part 2


Lado Okhotnikov - Who Controls the Market

From the first part of the interview with Lado we got to know how his journey began, where he earned his first bitcoins and how he got into the crypto sphere. Today we will continue our talk in order to understand whether moneymakers collude, who controls bitcoin and whether it will cost a million dollars.


Lado, is there anyone who manipulates bitcoin? Can we assume that there is someone who has a plan that bitcoin is worth $300,000 in 5 years or its ups and downs occur according to the situation?

Market behavior is not determined by the actions of miners or institutional players only. There are also retail traders, investors, bulls, and bears.

When miners had significant capitalization and market power, they could manipulate the price moving it in the direction they wanted. However, with the advent of larger funds (with a capitalization of more than a billion dollars) their influence has decreased.

As such, there is no plan; no one is shaking bitcoin on purpose. However, there is fear and greed in the market. They are the two main factors that drive the market. Creating a negative news background causes fear among traders and investors which leads to sales. Large institutional players or “whales” naturally use this situation to buy assets at a lower price.

Greed appears as a counterbalance to it. It makes the traders start buying assets expecting a price increase. In this case the “hamsters” are gaining positions in the hope of the further asset growth. This is where the manipulator comes into play.

Market manipulations exist. However, it is important to understand that the market moves under the influence of fundamental factors, news, technical analysis and reactions of various participants.

Is it true that the most part of bitcoins was once mined by some limited number of people? Can they be identified somehow?

Indeed, at one time a significant share of bitcoin was mined by a small group of people. However, over time these coins could have been redistributed among other market participants. It is impossible to say that only five people hold the bulk.

The blockchain has information about the assets movement and it is visible. I know people who have developed serious analytical platforms that help conduct deep analysis based on smart contract data. They see how many assets are moving, what part is “frozen” and can identify large holders. But still, the blockchain provides anonymity and security so it is not always possible to accurately identify the owners of certain wallets.

There is an assumption that of the total amount of bitcoin that is currently in circulation the third part is “dead”. But it is impossible to say for sure whether these coins are lost or are in “hibernation”. At any moment the holder will wake up and sell the coins, thereby “dropping” the market.

Lado, do you think CZ is a cryptocurrency adept?

My opinion is that he is an ordinary businessman. As soon as the crypto ceases to be profitable CZ will be reformatted and adapted to the changed circumstances. It is impossible to say that he is “with both hands” for decentralization. As you know Binance introduced user identification, thus having bent under the system

I can’t even name such people (among the influential ones) who would really advocate decentralization. Everyone talks about it but in reality the opposite happens. We see how exchanges are implementing KYC (know your customer policy). And you can’t say that someone is resisting it.

Is it the fear of being eaten? Yes! I believe Satoshi Nakamoto deliberately hid his true identity so as not to be pressured by others. He maintained contact with developers and the community during the first two years of the bitcoin existence and then disappeared from the public space in 2010.

Who creates pulse movements? Are they retail traders?

Retail traders, ordinary “hamsters” serve as fuel. Their elimination becomes the driving force. You can see that there is an assets accumulation before any significant dump or pump. At this time the assets are distributed: some traders get into long positions (expecting a price increase), others into short positions.

The task of the manipulator is to take as much liquidity as possible which is on both sides. This creates conditions for further movement along the desired trend. After reaching this goal the moneymaker will definitely start moving the price in order to attract new participants to the market.

Does technical analysis work in crypto?

Technical analysis works in the classical market with the right economy management and structure, and the right regulatory policy. But crypto is about decentralization and at any moment a player can come and sell a large amount of coins on the market. This will lead to a collapse but it will not be interesting for the player. His or her task is to find a buyer and the fact that others may suffer from it is not important to the player.

In the classical market one cannot simply take and sell a huge amount of currency at the market price, as this can provoke a resonance. You simply will not be allowed to do this, the order will be blocked. And in the cryptocurrencies no one controls you; no one can cancel the operation since this is a decentralized structure.

Is tomorrow with DeFi or is it a hype?

There is always someone who will control you. In the jungle where there are no rules a person inevitably becomes controlled. Instead of our usual laws and social norms the laws of nature dominate in this environment. In order to survive and thrive in this environment you need to adapt and use the rules to your advantage. Those who learn to adapt and understand faster than others will have a better chance of success.

Someone has invented DeFi with the purpose of moving from one form of governance to another but nothing more. I will refrain from assertion that soon everyone will be independent – someone should manage the society. No system can work uncontrollably. Otherwise, it is no longer a system but chaos.

Lado, last question: can bitcoin cost a million dollars?

Soon the bitcoin emission will end and then this asset will become scarce. How soon? You can’t say for sure but you can guess. Bitcoin halving occurs about once every 4 years. The specific time depends on the blocks mined in the network. Since the block generation time is about 10 minutes it will take about 4 years to mine 210,000 blocks.

How much growth will happen? It is impossible to say for sure since very large investors can enter at any time by buying this resource. It will be them who create even greater bitcoin shortage.

Successful Parenting Tips for Business Women


As an ambitious businesswoman, you might have achieved great success in your professional journey. But amidst the hustle and bustle of boardrooms and deadlines, there’s another role that holds equal importance in your life: being a parent.

As you navigate the delicate balance between running a business and raising a child, you may find yourself seeking guidance on how to excel in both realms. You’re not alone in this journey. Based on a report, during the summer of 2022, women accounted for 8.8% of CEOs, and by September 2022, their representation increased to 9% among Fortune 500 CEOs. 

The numbers show a surging number of women leaders, just like you, who are willing to strike an ideal balance between their passion and motherhood. In this blog, we’ll explore four invaluable parenting tips tailored specifically for businesswomen like yourself. 


Build a Supportive Network to Find Reliable Childcare Options

You know that juggling the demands of your business and family requires a strong support system. When it comes to finding reliable childcare options, building a supportive network becomes even more crucial. Connect with other businesswomen who have faced similar challenges and seek their advice and recommendations. 

Networking within your industry can also lead you to reliable childcare resources. Participate in conferences, seminars, or workshops relevant to your industry, providing opportunities to connect with fellow working parents. Engaging in conversations with them can uncover gems of childcare recommendations.

Having a reliable network and childcare options becomes more important, given a majority of women have to bear the responsibility of growing the child and handling household chores. Similar words were echoed by the research published in The Nation.

The report found that 77% of employed mothers take on the main burden of household chores. Plus, 61% of these mothers are mainly responsible for childcare duties, and a staggering 78% take the lead in supporting their children’s remote learning. 

Choose Safe and Reliable Baby Products

As a businesswoman and a responsible parent, you must be diligent and well-informed when making purchasing decisions for your child. Take the time to research the safety records and reputations of brands and products before bringing them into your home.

You should also stay updated on product recalls and heed any warnings or recommendations from trusted sources. A recent report by Kids In Danger (KID) found that four children lost their lives in 2022 due to the usage of previously recalled unsafe products. 

Being a professional who values efficiency and excellence, you need to apply the same principles when choosing baby products for your little one. From cribs to car seats and everything in between, you need to thoroughly research and select safe products. 

One baby product that needs special attention is baby formula. As a working woman and a caring parent, you must carefully evaluate a baby formula that meets the highest safety standards. According to TorHoerman Law, studies have found that some formulas, especially bovine-based, led to an increased risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).

Parents whose children experienced severe health issues after consuming baby formulas are taking legal action by filing NEC lawsuits. As a vigilant mother, you should keep a check on the NEC lawsuit update to stay informed about the latest developments regarding the ongoing cases. These updates will help you make better decisions when it comes to your child’s health. 

Time Management for Work-Life Balance

Effectively managing time can be challenging when you are simultaneously balancing professional responsibilities and the duties of motherhood. To conquer this challenge, start by establishing clear priorities and setting realistic goals for both your professional and personal life.

To optimize your time management, leverage technology and organizational tools. Utilize digital calendars, task management apps, and scheduling software to streamline your daily routine. Don’t forget to carve out dedicated quality time for your family. Schedule regular family activities, meals, and outings to ensure you stay connected and create lasting memories.

Given the unfavorable perception towards working mothers within organizations, the task of managing time becomes even more arduous. According to a study, nearly 41% of organizations perceive mothers as being less committed to their careers. The study also revealed that 72% of working mothers and fathers agreed that women faced career challenges when they started families. 

Considering the findings, effective time management becomes vital for business women seeking to achieve a harmonious work-life balance.

Prioritize Self-Care to Take Care of Yourself

Being into business and motherhood simultaneously, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of responsibilities and put your own needs on the back burner. However, placing importance on self-care is essential for your overall well-being and achievements in both your personal and professional spheres.

Ensure that self-care becomes an indispensable aspect of your daily routine. Carve out time for activities that bring you joy and help you recharge, whether it’s indulging in a hobby, practicing mindfulness exercises, exercising, or simply taking moments of solitude to unwind. 

Nurture a supportive mindset that embraces self-care as a necessary component of your success. Recognize that investing time in yourself is not selfish but rather an essential investment in your overall happiness and effectiveness as a working mother. 

Being a passionate businesswoman, motherhood can bring unique sets of challenges that can take a toll on your mental well-being. During this period, many working moms face mental health crises, as revealed by a Harris Poll conducted in March 2022.

Based on the poll, anxiety or depression was diagnosed in around 42% of working women. The study also revealed that 33% of working mothers reported a decline in their mental health during the same year, while 40% expressed doubt that their mental well-being would return to pre-pandemic levels. Plus, a staggering 72% of working mothers stated that they do not feel supported in the workplace.

The gloomy statistics indicate the urgent need for working mothers to prioritize self-care and prioritize their well-being. Prioritizing self-care allows you to recharge and maintain your well-being, equipping you to navigate the demands of work and parenting with resilience and strength.


In the fast-paced world of business, balancing the demands of work and family life can be difficult for any businesswoman. However, by incorporating key parenting tips into your routine, you can thrive as both a successful professional and a loving parent. 

However, you should remember that you possess the strength, determination, and resilience necessary to navigate the challenges of parenting while pursuing your professional aspirations. By implementing these successful parenting tips, you can find fulfillment in both your career and your role as a parent.

7 PR tools that help you earn and track media attention


The PR world is changing fast and it’s hard these days to have the right tools to stay on top. In the past, you could set a provision and calculate it as a budget entry that both parties agree is necessary. However, in today’s world that is not enough. Content distribution and other areas have an aspect of technology and analytics that is vital to a company’s success. Ignoring that reality will result in falling behind competitors who use the most current and effective resources available. Below is an updated list of the list I wrote in 2018 that should help you identify some of the best tools to help you navigate and thrive in this new PR world.


1. Knife rack

I’ve known Greg Galant since he started the Shorty Awards, and he’s always been committed to building a solid tool with Muck Rack. With their recent increase to 180 million, and resources behind the company, they are on their way to becoming an all-encompassing PR tool. Muck Rack’s robust capabilities can provide a comprehensive database of journalists, allowing you to search for relevant contacts and access their contact details, social media profiles and recent articles. With this database you can identify the right journalists for your media reach, compile media lists and properly manage your relations with the press.

2. Careful

Prowly is a company I’ve worked with in the past and I was immediately impressed. Through their efforts, they have built a PR and content marketing platform that simplifies PR workflows and improves media relations. Later they were acquired by SEMRush, a well-known SEO tool. The combination of the two should produce solid results by combining search and PR resources together. It offers features for managing media contacts, creating visually appealing press releases, and distributing content.

3. OnePitch

Onepitch is a PR platform that simplifies the media pitching process for PR professionals. Because while pitching is a relatively simple process for journalists, it can be a time consuming process. OnePitch helps users create and send concise and targeted pitches to journalists. Not only does that reduce the time and effort spent on traditional outreach methods, but it can also help achieve a greater success rate thanks to the database of journalists. The database analyzes and displays journalists’ preferences, making it easier to identify the right contacts for specific stories. As an added benefit, the streamlined interface is user-friendly and easy to master.

4. Ineligible

Some PR tools allow you to execute your strategy more efficiently and successfully. Others give you vital, data-driven feedback on whether your strategy is working or not and how you can improve it. Onclusive specializes in the latter. I haven’t worked with Onclusive, but I did use them when they were previously AirPR. It offers advanced analytics and insights to help you understand the reach and impact of your PR campaigns. Onclusive tracks and analyzes media coverage, social media engagement, website traffic, and other key metrics. With these hard numbers you can make better data-driven decisions and assess the value of PR for your organization.

5. PrPropel

PrPropel is a media outreach and relationship management tool designed to streamline your PR efforts. It allows you to find relevant journalists and influencers, pitch stories and manage your media relations all in one place. Propel offers personalized email reach, campaign tracking, and media response management, helping you build strong connections with journalists and maximize your media exposure.

6. Grammarly

While not specifically a PR tool, Grammarly is an essential tool for any PR professional or communicator. Good writing is at the heart of effective PR, and Grammarly helps you improve your writing by checking things like grammar and spelling. It doesn’t just signal glaring errors, either. Grammarly has more refined features, such as highlighting passive voices and identifying ways to make your written voice more active. Since it’s often not cost or time efficient to run every single email and word written through a human editor, Grammarly is a quick way to check before you hit “send.” The extra click or two is worth it. Keeping your press releases, pitches, and other written communications neat and error-free improves your credibility and professionalism.

7. Decision

Cision offers a comprehensive platform for media relations, media monitoring and content distribution. With Cision, you can identify and connect with relevant media contacts, track coverage across multiple channels, and distribute press releases. It also includes analytic features to measure the effectiveness of your PR efforts. Cision’s software has a proven track record and is trusted by PR agencies, businesses and government organizations worldwide.

I’m not going to lie and say that the PR world isn’t more challenging than ever. It is an unfortunate reality as the nature of journalism and media has changed with evolving technology. There are fewer journalists with a larger number of publications and there is a lot of noise. The bright side, however, is that there are tools specifically designed to help you make better pitches, reach journalists, and track results. As these tools evolve, there are ways for you and your staff to incorporate them into your processes with great results. By being selective and using the best PR tools for your specific purposes, you can see more success and get noticed in the industry.

Banks versus FinTechs: the ‘Coopetition’ phase has arrived


What started as a battle between banks and fintechs has evolved in recent years, moving both sides towards cooperative competition.

How business owners can choose the right risk management partner


By Juan José Pérez, President, National business solutions.

In today’s increasingly unpredictable business landscape, small and medium business owners face a range of challenges and uncertainties that can disrupt their operations and hinder their growth.

Some of today’s largest risk exposures stem from economic conditions, with a recent survey of our company two thirds of entrepreneurs expect a recession in the next six months – and the majority of this group expect it to be worse than the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009.

On top of these economic pressures, business owners face increased complexity due to digitization and rapid advancements in AI, cybersecurity vulnerabilities, supply chain challenges and changing government regulations. They also face newer risks, such as geopolitical uncertainty, decisions about when (and if) their workforce should return to the office, and much more.

Navigating today’s volatile business environment – and preparing for the next setbacks – requires comprehensive risk management strategies. It is understandable that many entrepreneurs do not have the expertise or time to tackle this on their own. That’s where risk management partners, including financial advisors, insurance professionals, attorneys, cybersecurity experts, banking partners, and others, can act as critical resources, providing expertise, guidance, and solutions to help protect businesses from potential pitfalls. (Full disclosure: My company offers some of these services just like others.)

Here are some key considerations to help you identify and engage effective risk management partners.


1. Start with a quality financial professional or advisor.

If you don’t have one or you’re wondering if existing partners would be the best fit for your business, you can start by talking to other business leaders in your network. Their experiences will often tell you more than any website or marketing brochure. Once you’ve identified a few candidates, I recommend the following steps:

• Taking interviews. This will help you find the partner that best suits your needs. You can expect them to ask questions about your current investments, financial goals, insurance needs, retirement plans and level of investment risk. Be sure to ask for references.

• Check their credentials. Certifications do not guarantee competence, but it is ideal to work with a licensed professional. Common designations include Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC), Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA), and Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU).

• Ask how they are compensated. There is no right or wrong way, just make sure it matches what you feel comfortable with. Some investment professionals are paid a commission, others charge a fee, and some charge a fee plus commission.

• Learn about their connections. A financial professional or advisor can often serve as a “risk management quarterback” by connecting you to other more specialized partners in their network, including commercial insurance agents, benefits advisors, lenders, attorneys, or information technology experts.

2. Focus on your most important asset: your talent.

With many fearing the worst in terms of economic conditions, it’s easy to let emotions drive decision making. However, it’s important to remember that cutting your top talent or not investing in the benefits or compensation that would make them want to stay with your company comes with a deductible. When economic conditions improve, you want to be ready to take advantage of the environment instead of watching your competitors do it while you rebuild your team. If you don’t understand your options, you risk losing your most important asset: your people.

When looking for a financial advisor, look for one with a strong network of key partners who can help provide guidance and support in areas such as compensation planning, financial wellness programs and succession planning. They should also be able to help you put together a competitive pension package. The recently passed SAFE 2.0 Act makes it easier and more affordable for business owners to offer employer-sponsored retirement plans, but this new legislation can be difficult to navigate alone. In fact, our research found that small and medium-sized business owners have limited knowledge of the provisions of the new legislation that make it easier to provide employee benefits. A competent partner should be able to help you navigate such legislation for the best outcome.

3. Think broadly when planning for risk.

Most organizations face avoidable, strategic and external threats that can be managed by identifying and planning for risk. When the pandemic hit, many business leaders were blindsided by risks they could never have imagined. When quarantines started, a 2020 study found that businesses with monthly expenses over $10,000 had only enough cash on hand to last about two weeks. The pandemic was a harsh reminder of how important it is to think ahead and prepare for the unexpected. A good risk management partner can help provide this forward thinking and contingency planning.

When engaging new or existing risk management partners, ensure your discussion includes the following types of risk to identify potential gaps in your strategy.

• Human risk: Does your company provide the benefits, resources and incentives to attract, retain and develop the workforce you need to sustain and grow?

• Financial risk: How would rising interest rates, an economic downturn, prolonged inflation, or interruptions in your company’s cash flow affect your ability to meet customer needs?

• Liability risk: How would a weather event, accident or lawsuit affect your business? Does your insurance cover everything you think you’ll do? Are you overlooking a liability issue by not working with a lawyer?

• Partner risk: Do the institutions and individuals managing your company’s risks have the track record or the financial strength to demonstrate that you can count on them to be there when you need them? Do they have certifications that align with industry-wide ethical and business standards? Does their reputation and brand match yours?

When you identify the gaps in your strategy, you may see the opportunity to use existing partners to address them, or the need to bring a new partner to the table.

Entrepreneurs are risk takers by nature. But hoping for the best and figuring things out as you go can put you at an avoidable stumbling block. A good risk management partner should be willing and able to help you identify and manage risk to strengthen your business’s resilience, protect your reputation and capitalize on opportunities amid uncertainty.

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Sell ​​to Gen Z? Here’s what small businesses need to know


By Rieva Lesonski

Members of Generation Z (also known as Zoomers) are growing up. The vanguard of the generation enters the labor market and is prepared to spend money. But before you can sell to them, you need to know what Gen Z cares about and how they shop.

Insider intelligence recently spoke to Zoomers to find out what motivates them to spend money.


How to sell to Gen Z: Find out what motivates them to buy

Sustainability on a budget

For years, we’ve been told that Gen Z is “one of the most enduring generations.” But most Zoomers are still in their teens or early twenties. And while they care about the environment, they are on a tight budget and “choosy” about how they spend their money.

Insider intelligence says this mindset is one of the reasons thrift stores have become so popular, allowing Zoomers to buy the brands they like while also being environmentally conscious by avoiding throwing an item out.

Brand awareness

Consumers, particularly Gen Z, are more aware of the actions and views of corporate brands as they monitor them through social media. This can be beneficial for businesses, especially small businesses, that can showcase the human side of their business, making them more recognizable. Insider intelligence says: “Social media presence adds a human element, making [your business] more about the people than about the products.”

However, it can also expose views and actions that Zoomers disagree with, causing them to quickly abandon your brand and look for a company that better aligns with their values.

Who do they trust?

TikTok is extremely popular with Gen Z – indeed it is their “preferred platform to discover new products, especially in the beauty category.” A Zoomer told it Insider intelligence that TikTok gives them more current content and exposes them to more new products or products that have gone viral than YouTube.

But like most consumers of all ages, Zoomers say recommendations from friends and family influence them the most when making a purchase.

They are less loyal

Since Gen Zers are “very aware of how much they consume”, they are less loyal than older generations. One Zoomer said she’s “a departure from loyalty programs that make you try to buy more.” Instead, she opts for loyalty programs that focus on sustainability or offer discounts.

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They don’t shop in the metaverse

While there’s been a lot of buzz about the metaverse, Zoomers aren’t shopping there just yet. Some believe the metaverse will “evolve” into something they can use one day. But Insider intelligence says to keep an eye on the next generation (Generation Alpha), which may be more inclined to shop in the digital universe.

Another survey, Square and Afterpay’s State of Retail report, shows that younger consumers (Zoomers and millennials) are increasingly shopping via mobile commerce. It reports, “Over the past year, two-thirds of Millennials and Gen Zers’ online Afterpay transactions were made on mobile devices, with the volume of Afterpay transactions increasing 196% since 2020.”

These younger consumers also use their mobile devices “as their main customer support tool”.

“Buy now, pay later” has arrived

The retail report also shows that while Zoomers and Millennials are the leading users of “buy now, pay later” (BNPL) services today, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers are increasingly adopting BNPL options.

One of the reasons Zoomers are embracing BNPL is that they buy more luxury items, which obviously cost more money. Gen Z’s share of luxury spending is now 16%, down from 13% in 2019, while Millennials’ luxury spending has fallen from 56% to 45% between 2019 and 2023. This is partly fueled by returns after the pandemic to the office. Square reports a year-over-year increase in sales of workwear such as dress shirts, oversized blazers and dressy sneakers.

Conscious consumerism

The retail report also touches on sustainability, saying millennials and zoomers have spent 69% of their spending on eco-friendly products so far this year. It suggests that companies “create partnerships with sustainable brands by collaborating on give-back programs, marketing campaigns, and stocking their products.”

Insider intelligence advises business owners that to attract Zoomers and millennials, they should be “deliberate about running their businesses in an environmentally conscious way without being seen as performative.”

About the author

Rieva Lesonsky is CEO of GrowBiz Media and SmallBusinessCurrents.com and has been dealing with small businesses and entrepreneurship for over 30 years. Get a better understanding of business trends by signing up for her free currents newsletter.

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Reddit is discontinuing its Gold reward system


Awards are little icons on posts that you may have come across while scrolling through Reddit, and are given by other users to show appreciation for a post. Perhaps the most well-known prize is Reddit Gold, which appears as a gold medal with a star, but there are also reaction prizes and prizes specific to certain communities.

See all those icons? Those are awards.
Screenshot of Jay Peters / The Verge

To buy a prize you must use Reddit Coinsbut if you don’t already have one, you won’t be able to get one starting Thursday, according to a post from Reddit admin (employee) venkman01. Awards and existing coins will still be available until September 12, and the change in the rewards and coin systems means that Reddit Premium subscribers will not receive a regular coin allocation.

“While we saw many of the awards being used as a fun way to recognize contributions from your fellow redditors, looking back over those centuries, we also saw consistent feedback on awards as a whole,” said venkman01. “First, many don’t appreciate the clutter of awards (over 50 awards at the moment, but who’s counting?) and all the steps involved in actually awarding content. Second, redditors want award-winning content to be more valuable to the recipient.”

“We want to create a system that is simple, easy to use and easy to understand.”

Reddit has plans for some kind of rewards system in the future, but the post only gives vague hints about what that might look like. “Rewarding content and contributions (as well as anything gold) remains a core part of Reddit,” said venkman01. “In the coming months, we will share more about a new attribution direction that will allow Redditors to empower each other and create more meaningful ways to reward high-quality contributions on Reddit.” answersaid venkman01 that “we want to create a system that is simple, easy to use and easy to understand.”

Many users are not happy with Reddit’s decision. “Killing features with no substitutions done, yeah sounds like Reddit to me,” one user wrote in a much appreciated answer. One more, reply to an announcement post in a moderator news subreddit, expressed his displeasure that Reddit offers no compensation or transition to the next system. And for users already frustrated at Reddit over new API pricing that forced some popular third-party apps to shut down, the loss of awards like Reddit Gold, arguably one of the platform’s most iconic elements, could sting that much more. .

While Reddit hasn’t specified what the new system might look like, android authority may have dug up some clues. Based on code in Reddit’s Android app, Reddit appears to be working on a “contributor program” that will allow users to pay out gold or karma (basically points you get for posts, comments or awarding prizes) that they receive in real money. Reddit did not respond to a request for comment sent Wednesday Android Authority article.

Why a London VC takes care of its entrepreneurs


In addition to providing capital, should VCs provide some level of pastoral care to their portfolio founders?

Well, even if judged purely commercially, the answer to that question could be yes. It can take many years to get a startup company to the point where an exit can be achieved and a lot can go wrong in that time. The entrepreneur may lose focus, burn out, or simply find that he or she no longer has the heart or will to give 100 percent to the job. So if a VC wants to recoup its investment, it makes sense to take care of the geese that have the potential to lay the golden eggs.

And according to a report published last week by Balderton Capitall – a London-based VC that invests in early stage and growth stage European companies – there is evidence that at least some founders are struggling to cope with the pressures and challenges of growing their businesses in an increasingly more competitive environment. Concurrent with the research results, Balderton has launched his own “Wellbeing and Performance” platform, designed to provide help and support to his cohort of portfolio entrepreneurs.

I spoke to Suranga Chandratillake, a General Partner at Balderton to find out more.


The equation work/success

It should come as no surprise to anyone that founders of venture-backed companies are often driven people who work long hours. Indeed, 90 percent of those who took part in the Balderton survey acknowledged that they push themselves to work harder and longer. A slightly smaller subgroup – 84 percent to be exact – said entrepreneurs had to work hard to be successful.

Where do those expectations come from? Sometimes from investors, it seems. Just over half of respondents said investors and board members put pressure on them to be constantly available.

Diminishing returns and bad decisions

This is where things start to get tricky. People starting their own businesses are usually not afraid of hard work and a culture of long hours can become something of an indicator of commitment. But spending too much time in the office can be counterproductive at worst and a little pointless at best.

More than four-fifths of business owners surveyed said there was diminishing returns from “simply working more hours”. And if you take a step back to look not only at the work culture, but at the stress and worry that come with running a business, there’s a danger that performance will suffer. Entrepreneurs are well aware that burnout, anxiety and depression are the bedfellows of bad decision-making.

So how do you get the balance right between working hard and pushing yourself to the point where things start falling apart? And if you’re one of those people who knowingly stays late at the office for no good reason, but keeps doing it anyway, how do you change that behavior?

As Chandratillake sees it, investors can play a role in supporting founders through difficult and stressful times, but this is often on an informal basis. “As a company, we have spent years helping founders and CEOs with the challenges they face,” he says. In practice, that can simply mean having a conversation about a particular problem.

The company’s Wellbeing and Performance platform has introduced something more structured. As Chandratillake explains, the initiative aims to provide assistance in three areas: health and wellness, coaching, and peer-to-peer conversations. But what does that look like in practice?

“We have a physical program run by medical experts,” says Chandratillake. “They’ll test you and make recommendations — about diet, exercise, or sleep, for example.”

In addition, Balderton has hired an executive coach who will provide a program of meetings to discuss management and decision-making issues with individual founders.

And finally, Balderton has arranged for startup leaders to meet in groups of five to seven. “We organized it to bring together CEOs who live in the same cities. It is a program where founders of non-competing companies can connect with each other and discuss common issues.”

As Chandratillake acknowledges, the initiative is only open to CEOs and founders in the Balderton portfolio, but he says he’s willing to discuss similar programs with other VC firms.

A long trip

But is this initiative just a good deed in an evil world or is it driven by commercial logic?

“We’re not selfless,” says Chandratillake. “We invest in companies and the journey can take 5, 10 or 15 years. During that time, anything we can do to help the CEO stay focused is positive.”

The arrangement is voluntary, and Chandratillake insists that while Balderton pays for health checks and coaching, the company is not personally involved. For example, conversations with medical professionals or even the executive coach are confidential. “So we don’t know about your cholesterol level or anything like that,” he says reassuringly.

That should encourage more founders to participate and could be an incentive to adopt habits and practices that improve performance and reduce stress. With 72 percent of respondents saying they found it difficult to prioritize wellbeing and 61 percent saying finding support was difficult, outside help can be helpful.

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